Friday, April 14, 2006

joy and a little business

First of all, on behalf of the entire Margi Scharff community, for that it what it is, can I express joy and thanks to all upon and above this terra firma who/that have helped our friend along. Much more friendship to come Margi, many many years of it.

Secondly, I am finally completing to a high polish the film that I did with Margi in 2004, "Rangi Changi, the color of art". This -- I hope -- shows Margi at her best and just how she accomplishes those amazing works of her's. My hope is to have the film read on DVD to show at the FUNdraiser later this month.

I welcome suggestions now. Since it it is also a FUNDraiser, I propose to make copies of the DVD and sell them with proceeds to whatever Margi and her blessed caregivers deem worthwhile. If all goes according to plan, the DVD will have a 15 minute film, a slide show of images of Margi's work from Nepal and some music files of stray tunes from the film.

Do people think this is a good idea? Margi? If so, what price? $20 per DVD? $15? It's all for the cause. I'll ship a collection of DVDs to the gallery and have them available with me as well for the price plus shipping. All willing that is...

Daniel Lak

1 comment:

anneg said...

Hi Daniel - I vote for $20 per dvd and as I can't make the fundraiser, I would like to order one! I actually have seen it pre-editing, I think. Margi had shown me a copy on her way through a year or so ago. I enjoyed it and thought it was such fun to see her work/life described so succinctly. Funny, as an artist or maybe as a human being, to be able to look at yourself as if you are a work or art or work in process. So clearly or matter of factly...kind of funny and yet so insightful. We don't always get to have ourselves/our art explained in that way. I liked the feeling of it and especially to be able to accompany Margi through it even if it was only by watching her in the documentary.

Thank you for everything!
