Monday, February 20, 2006

Margi Scharff

Margi Scharff

Sunday, February 19, 2006 _
Dear Friends of Margi,I am Margi's friend who made the film about her in Kathmandu. While inNew Delhi, India, she has been diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancerand is probably going to undergo a round of therapy within a day orso. She's in some discomfort although resting with a teacher from theAmerican school named Gaye Facer, a compassionate and caring personwho knew Margi only through my film, Rangi Changi, the color of art.Gaye and her daughter Emma have taken Margi in and are runningthemselves ragged handling her needs and taking her to doctors. Ifthere's anyone, anyone among you, who might be able to go to India tohelp out, that would be wonderful. If anyone, such as Jurgen orNicola, know someone in Delhi who can help out or make suggestions ofsame, that would be great too.India has a very good medical system and costs are much lower than inthe USA. She is in good hands there for her immediate treatmentneeds. but she will need some money put into her US account becausetreatment is paid for in cash. She'd also like to talk to some ofher friends. When I spoke to her, she said she really needed this.Gaye's cell phone number is 011 91 98 1861 2599. Remember that Indiais 10 and a half hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, 13 and a halfahead of Pacific Standard. Margi isn't looking at e mail much assitting up is uncomfortable. People can call me. I'min Vancouver orif they call margi or Gaye, please keep in mind the time difference.I found that calling around 630 pm PST was good, that's 8 in themorning their time. But so is midnight PST or no later than 9 amPST...about 1030 pm their time. Just so you all know.I hope this finds all well and able to pray or do whatever isapprporate for our friend Margi Scharff.--Daniel Lak432 Bartlett Ave. NToronto, ONM6H 3G7CELL: 416 822 8044TEL/FAX: 416 530 9741

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